Your Vote
Your Power

About Us
ELECT JUSTICE is an innovative model for voter engagement and turnout to empower and mobilize voters of color by providing access to the tools and education they need to get educated about local and national elections.
ELECT JUSTICE combines the power of sports, music, and organizing to drive voters of
color most impacted by violence to the polls. In 2020, ELECT JUSTICE had over 185 million
social media impressions, 3.5+ million digital views, and reached 1.6+ million first and
infrequent voters of color in Wisconsin and Texas.

Our Plan
ELECT JUSTICE leverages years of culture strategy, community partnerships, and the latest technology to turn out voters of color who are critical to winning in 2020 and beyond. In less than 9 weeks, Elect Justice drove historic numbers of voters of color most impacted by violence, voter suppression, and disenfranchisement to the polls.
Elect Justice GA is now working to turnout voters of color in Georgia by partnering with local and statewide grassroots organizations to focus on issues that matter most to them: health care, justice, and jobs.